50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know


50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know

Quercus Publishing Plc
Оціни книгу:

In this, the second volume in an important new series presenting core concepts across a range of critical areas of human knowledge, author Joanne Baker unravels the complexities of 20th-century scientific theory for a general readership. She explains ideas at the cutting-edge of scientific enquiry, making them comprehensible and accessible to the layperson.

Оціни книгу:

In this, the second volume in an important new series presenting core concepts across a range of critical areas of human knowledge, author Joanne Baker unravels the complexities of 20th-century scientific theory for a general readership. She explains ideas at the cutting-edge of scientific enquiry, making them comprehensible and accessible to the layperson.

In this, the second volume in an important new series presenting core concepts across a range of critical areas of human knowledge, author Joanne Baker unravels the complexities of 20th-century scientific theory for a general readership. She explains ideas at the cutting-edge of scientific enquiry, making them comprehensible and accessible to the layperson.

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