Activate! B1. Student's book (+ DVD)


Activate! B1. Student's book (+ DVD)

Longman (Pearson Education)
Оціни книгу:

- 12 ten-page units with full skills lessons per unit

- Time to Revise sections between every 2 units helps consolidate new language

- Motivating DVD clips taken from authentic TV programmes can be used to practise different skills

- Teenage exam coach characters support students with the Skillzone and Examzone boxes

- Summarise and Memorise boxes help students to focus on key language

- Speaking, Writing, Grammar and Vocabulary Files at the back of the Students' Book include extra activities and reference material for each unit

Оціни книгу:

- 12 ten-page units with full skills lessons per unit

- Time to Revise sections between every 2 units helps consolidate new language

- Motivating DVD clips taken from authentic TV programmes can be used to practise different skills

- Teenage exam coach characters support students with the Skillzone and Examzone boxes

- Summarise and Memorise boxes help students to focus on key language

- Speaking, Writing, Grammar and Vocabulary Files at the back of the Students' Book include extra activities and reference material for each unit

- 12 ten-page units with full skills lessons per unit

- Time to Revise sections between every 2 units helps consolidate new language

- Motivating DVD clips taken from authentic TV programmes can be used to practise different skills

- Teenage exam coach characters support students with the Skillzone and Examzone boxes

- Summarise and Memorise boxes help students to focus on key language

- Speaking, Writing, Grammar and Vocabulary Files at the back of the Students' Book include extra activities and reference material for each unit

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