Blueprint One. Tests


Blueprint One. Tests

Longman (Pearson Education)
Оціни книгу:

Part of a course for young adult and adult students of English, intended to help them become confident in speaking and understanding simple English. These write-in tests cover each of the five units in the students' book. A separate key includes a guide on how to administer the tests.

Contains a series of eight write-in tests, covering five units of the "Blueprint One" course and two revision tests;

Separate labelled sections within each test, designed to focus on the key learning areas of grammar, communication and vocabulary;

Two revision tests focusing on each of these areas and, in addition, the skills of reading and writing;

A clear scoring system, accompanied by a score chart at the end of the book, to enable students and teachers to monitor progress effectively;

"Blueprint One Tests" can be used alongside the "Blueprint One "course or as an additional testing material to compliment any beginner or false beginner coursebook.

Оціни книгу:

Part of a course for young adult and adult students of English, intended to help them become confident in speaking and understanding simple English. These write-in tests cover each of the five units in the students' book. A separate key includes a guide on how to administer the tests.

Contains a series of eight write-in tests, covering five units of the "Blueprint One" course and two revision tests;

Separate labelled sections within each test, designed to focus on the key learning areas of grammar, communication and vocabulary;

Two revision tests focusing on each of these areas and, in addition, the skills of reading and writing;

A clear scoring system, accompanied by a score chart at the end of the book, to enable students and teachers to monitor progress effectively;

"Blueprint One Tests" can be used alongside the "Blueprint One "course or as an additional testing material to compliment any beginner or false beginner coursebook.

Part of a course for young adult and adult students of English, intended to help them become confident in speaking and understanding simple English. These write-in tests cover each of the five units in the students' book. A separate key includes a guide on how to administer the tests.

Contains a series of eight write-in tests, covering five units of the "Blueprint One" course and two revision tests;

Separate labelled sections within each test, designed to focus on the key learning areas of grammar, communication and vocabulary;

Two revision tests focusing on each of these areas and, in addition, the skills of reading and writing;

A clear scoring system, accompanied by a score chart at the end of the book, to enable students and teachers to monitor progress effectively;

"Blueprint One Tests" can be used alongside the "Blueprint One "course or as an additional testing material to compliment any beginner or false beginner coursebook.

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