Campaign 1. Workbook (+ CD-ROM)


Campaign 1. Workbook (+ CD-ROM)

Оціни книгу:

The Campaign 1 Workbook revises and consolidates the key language areas. Each section opens a list of key lexis from the unit with phonological transcription, examples of the words in context and practice tasks.

Additional Features:

Audio CD for listening practice, includes 80 hours of revision;

Unit by unit lists of key lexis;

Two progress tests.

Оціни книгу:

The Campaign 1 Workbook revises and consolidates the key language areas. Each section opens a list of key lexis from the unit with phonological transcription, examples of the words in context and practice tasks.

Additional Features:

Audio CD for listening practice, includes 80 hours of revision;

Unit by unit lists of key lexis;

Two progress tests.

The Campaign 1 Workbook revises and consolidates the key language areas. Each section opens a list of key lexis from the unit with phonological transcription, examples of the words in context and practice tasks.

Additional Features:

Audio CD for listening practice, includes 80 hours of revision;

Unit by unit lists of key lexis;

Two progress tests.

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