Campaign 3. Workbook (+ CD-ROM)


Campaign 3. Workbook (+ CD-ROM)

Оціни книгу:

Campaign 3 Workbook includes an audio CD for listening practice, unit by unit lists of key lexis and two progress tests. It revises and consolidates key language areas, provides approximately 80 hours of material for self-study and offers meaningful practice exercises for consolidating target language.

Key Features:

Revises and consolodates key language areas;

Provides approximately 80 hours of material for self-study;

Each section opens with a list of key lexis from the unit;

Provides further exposure to the key language areas presented in the Student’s Book;

Offers meaningful practice exercises for consolidating target language.

Оціни книгу:

Campaign 3 Workbook includes an audio CD for listening practice, unit by unit lists of key lexis and two progress tests. It revises and consolidates key language areas, provides approximately 80 hours of material for self-study and offers meaningful practice exercises for consolidating target language.

Key Features:

Revises and consolodates key language areas;

Provides approximately 80 hours of material for self-study;

Each section opens with a list of key lexis from the unit;

Provides further exposure to the key language areas presented in the Student’s Book;

Offers meaningful practice exercises for consolidating target language.

Campaign 3 Workbook includes an audio CD for listening practice, unit by unit lists of key lexis and two progress tests. It revises and consolidates key language areas, provides approximately 80 hours of material for self-study and offers meaningful practice exercises for consolidating target language.

Key Features:

Revises and consolodates key language areas;

Provides approximately 80 hours of material for self-study;

Each section opens with a list of key lexis from the unit;

Provides further exposure to the key language areas presented in the Student’s Book;

Offers meaningful practice exercises for consolidating target language.

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