Captain Grant's Children, Level 4


Captain Grant's Children, Level 4

MM Publications
Оціни книгу:

Classic Stories which have been carefully graded for each level according to vocabulary, grammatical structures, sentence length and plot complexity. The ideal springboard for the development of learner's reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. ------In this classic Jules Verne adventure story, a message that the passengers and crew of the Duncan find in a shark's belly launches the search for the missing Captain Grant.

Оціни книгу:

Classic Stories which have been carefully graded for each level according to vocabulary, grammatical structures, sentence length and plot complexity. The ideal springboard for the development of learner's reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. ------In this classic Jules Verne adventure story, a message that the passengers and crew of the Duncan find in a shark's belly launches the search for the missing Captain Grant.

Classic Stories which have been carefully graded for each level according to vocabulary, grammatical structures, sentence length and plot complexity. The ideal springboard for the development of learner's reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. ------In this classic Jules Verne adventure story, a message that the passengers and crew of the Duncan find in a shark's belly launches the search for the missing Captain Grant.

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