Cutting Edge Pre-intermediate. Students Book


Cutting Edge Pre-intermediate. Students Book

Longman (Pearson Education)
Оціни книгу:

From beginners through to advanced level, Cutting Edge's straightforward and reliable methodology delivers an all-round practical knowledge of grammar, skills, vocabulary and real-life functional language. New Editions of Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Upper Intermediate levels are now available.

A focus on high-frequency useful vocabulary helps students say what they want to say,

Regular, well-structured speaking tasks encourage students to express themselves more extensively and fluently,

'Do You Remember' sections in every unit and extra Consolidation modules provide regular review and consolidation,

Student Books include Mini-Dictionary to help learners study independently.

Оціни книгу:

From beginners through to advanced level, Cutting Edge's straightforward and reliable methodology delivers an all-round practical knowledge of grammar, skills, vocabulary and real-life functional language. New Editions of Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Upper Intermediate levels are now available.

A focus on high-frequency useful vocabulary helps students say what they want to say,

Regular, well-structured speaking tasks encourage students to express themselves more extensively and fluently,

'Do You Remember' sections in every unit and extra Consolidation modules provide regular review and consolidation,

Student Books include Mini-Dictionary to help learners study independently.

From beginners through to advanced level, Cutting Edge's straightforward and reliable methodology delivers an all-round practical knowledge of grammar, skills, vocabulary and real-life functional language. New Editions of Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Upper Intermediate levels are now available.

A focus on high-frequency useful vocabulary helps students say what they want to say,

Regular, well-structured speaking tasks encourage students to express themselves more extensively and fluently,

'Do You Remember' sections in every unit and extra Consolidation modules provide regular review and consolidation,

Student Books include Mini-Dictionary to help learners study independently.

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