• The comprehensive Teacher's Book offers step-by-step teaching notes and a Test Master Multi-ROM,
• Self-study CD-ROMs with the Course Book contain a range of activities - including audio and video,
• The companion website: www.pearsonlongman.com/cuttingedge contains CEF benchmarks, webquests and worksheets.
• The comprehensive Teacher's Book offers step-by-step teaching notes and a Test Master Multi-ROM,
• Self-study CD-ROMs with the Course Book contain a range of activities - including audio and video,
• The companion website: www.pearsonlongman.com/cuttingedge contains CEF benchmarks, webquests and worksheets.
• The comprehensive Teacher's Book offers step-by-step teaching notes and a Test Master Multi-ROM,
• Self-study CD-ROMs with the Course Book contain a range of activities - including audio and video,
• The companion website: www.pearsonlongman.com/cuttingedge contains CEF benchmarks, webquests and worksheets.