Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate. Workbook


Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate. Workbook

Longman (Pearson Education)
Оціни книгу:

This course translates the theory of task-based learning into a practical and user-friendly coursebook, recognizing that the performance of regular spoken and written tasks is crucial to successful language acquisition.

Consolidates and extends essential language covered in the Students' Book,

'Improve your writing' and 'Listen and read' sections systematically develop skill,

Pronunciation and spelling sections improve student confidence in typical problem areas,

Accompanied by an optional Student Cassette/Audio CD with exercises on grammar and pronunciation,

Includes answer key.

Оціни книгу:

This course translates the theory of task-based learning into a practical and user-friendly coursebook, recognizing that the performance of regular spoken and written tasks is crucial to successful language acquisition.

Consolidates and extends essential language covered in the Students' Book,

'Improve your writing' and 'Listen and read' sections systematically develop skill,

Pronunciation and spelling sections improve student confidence in typical problem areas,

Accompanied by an optional Student Cassette/Audio CD with exercises on grammar and pronunciation,

Includes answer key.

This course translates the theory of task-based learning into a practical and user-friendly coursebook, recognizing that the performance of regular spoken and written tasks is crucial to successful language acquisition.

Consolidates and extends essential language covered in the Students' Book,

'Improve your writing' and 'Listen and read' sections systematically develop skill,

Pronunciation and spelling sections improve student confidence in typical problem areas,

Accompanied by an optional Student Cassette/Audio CD with exercises on grammar and pronunciation,

Includes answer key.

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