Effective Reading 2. Pre Intermediate Student's Book


Effective Reading 2. Pre Intermediate Student's Book

Оціни книгу:

Enabling students to become confident and fluent readers, this four-level series takes students from elementary to upper intermediate level. It draws on research into what creates good readers and actively addresses the needs of both learners and teachers of reading.

Key Features:

12 topic-based units;

A complete short story per level;

Downloadable teacher's notes.

Level: Pre Intermediate.

Оціни книгу:

Enabling students to become confident and fluent readers, this four-level series takes students from elementary to upper intermediate level. It draws on research into what creates good readers and actively addresses the needs of both learners and teachers of reading.

Key Features:

12 topic-based units;

A complete short story per level;

Downloadable teacher's notes.

Level: Pre Intermediate.

Enabling students to become confident and fluent readers, this four-level series takes students from elementary to upper intermediate level. It draws on research into what creates good readers and actively addresses the needs of both learners and teachers of reading.

Key Features:

12 topic-based units;

A complete short story per level;

Downloadable teacher's notes.

Level: Pre Intermediate.

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