Advanced Masterclass CAE. Workbook (With Answers)


Advanced Masterclass CAE. Workbook (With Answers)

Oxford University Press
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Offers exam training to develop strategies for tackling various tasks. Reading texts reflect the text types in Paper 1. Timed reading tasks aim to enhance skimming and scanning techniques, and various sections explore the style, register and purpose of the text.

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Offers exam training to develop strategies for tackling various tasks. Reading texts reflect the text types in Paper 1. Timed reading tasks aim to enhance skimming and scanning techniques, and various sections explore the style, register and purpose of the text.

Offers exam training to develop strategies for tackling various tasks. Reading texts reflect the text types in Paper 1. Timed reading tasks aim to enhance skimming and scanning techniques, and various sections explore the style, register and purpose of the text.

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