Business Opportunities. Workbook


Business Opportunities. Workbook

Oxford University Press
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Business Opportunities provides opportunities for practicing language in a range of professional situations, while offering opportunities to practice all four language skills, especially listening and speaking.

Key Features:

Comprehensive structural syllabus.

Consistent use of authentic materials from real companies.

Provides the everyday language and structures which learners need in specific professional situations.

Emphasis on listening and speaking, with frequent role plays and conversation-based activities.

'Learner training' pages to promote learner independence, e.g Time management, Recording vocabulary, Using a dictionary and Guessing unknown words.

Glossary of business terms used in the course.

Full grammar and usage notes.

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Business Opportunities provides opportunities for practicing language in a range of professional situations, while offering opportunities to practice all four language skills, especially listening and speaking.

Key Features:

Comprehensive structural syllabus.

Consistent use of authentic materials from real companies.

Provides the everyday language and structures which learners need in specific professional situations.

Emphasis on listening and speaking, with frequent role plays and conversation-based activities.

'Learner training' pages to promote learner independence, e.g Time management, Recording vocabulary, Using a dictionary and Guessing unknown words.

Glossary of business terms used in the course.

Full grammar and usage notes.

Business Opportunities provides opportunities for practicing language in a range of professional situations, while offering opportunities to practice all four language skills, especially listening and speaking.

Key Features:

Comprehensive structural syllabus.

Consistent use of authentic materials from real companies.

Provides the everyday language and structures which learners need in specific professional situations.

Emphasis on listening and speaking, with frequent role plays and conversation-based activities.

'Learner training' pages to promote learner independence, e.g Time management, Recording vocabulary, Using a dictionary and Guessing unknown words.

Glossary of business terms used in the course.

Full grammar and usage notes.

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