Complete First Certificate Workbook with Audio CD


Complete First Certificate Workbook with Audio CD

Cambridge University Press
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Complete First Certificate is a new course for the 2008 revised FCE exam. Informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus and providing a complete FCE exam paper specially prepared for publication by Cambridge ESOL, it is the most authentic exam preparation course available. This topic-based course covers every part of the FCE exam in detail, ensuring that students are fully equipped to tackle each part of every paper. A Workbook 'with answers' is also available.

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Complete First Certificate is a new course for the 2008 revised FCE exam. Informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus and providing a complete FCE exam paper specially prepared for publication by Cambridge ESOL, it is the most authentic exam preparation course available. This topic-based course covers every part of the FCE exam in detail, ensuring that students are fully equipped to tackle each part of every paper. A Workbook 'with answers' is also available.

Complete First Certificate is a new course for the 2008 revised FCE exam. Informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus and providing a complete FCE exam paper specially prepared for publication by Cambridge ESOL, it is the most authentic exam preparation course available. This topic-based course covers every part of the FCE exam in detail, ensuring that students are fully equipped to tackle each part of every paper. A Workbook 'with answers' is also available.

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