Just So Stories


Just So Stories

Penguin Putnam Inc
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Drawing from the oral storytelling traditions of India and Africa, Noble prizewinner Rudyard Kiplings vigorous, amusing tales offer imaginative answers to unanswered questions about animals and provide little pearls of wisdom. These classic tales, filled with playfully clever animals and people have entertained young and old alike for over a hundred years.

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Drawing from the oral storytelling traditions of India and Africa, Noble prizewinner Rudyard Kiplings vigorous, amusing tales offer imaginative answers to unanswered questions about animals and provide little pearls of wisdom. These classic tales, filled with playfully clever animals and people have entertained young and old alike for over a hundred years.

Drawing from the oral storytelling traditions of India and Africa, Noble prizewinner Rudyard Kiplings vigorous, amusing tales offer imaginative answers to unanswered questions about animals and provide little pearls of wisdom. These classic tales, filled with playfully clever animals and people have entertained young and old alike for over a hundred years.

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