Paths of Glory


Paths of Glory

Pan Books
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Some people have dreams so outrageous that if they were to achieve them, their place in history would be guaranteed. "Paths of Glory" is the story of such a man. But not until you've turned the last page of this extraordinary novel will you be able to decide if George Mallory should be added to a list of legends because, if he were, another name would have to be removed.

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Some people have dreams so outrageous that if they were to achieve them, their place in history would be guaranteed. "Paths of Glory" is the story of such a man. But not until you've turned the last page of this extraordinary novel will you be able to decide if George Mallory should be added to a list of legends because, if he were, another name would have to be removed.

Some people have dreams so outrageous that if they were to achieve them, their place in history would be guaranteed. "Paths of Glory" is the story of such a man. But not until you've turned the last page of this extraordinary novel will you be able to decide if George Mallory should be added to a list of legends because, if he were, another name would have to be removed.

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