Practical Grammar 2: Student Book with Answers (+ CD's)


Practical Grammar 2: Student Book with Answers (+ CD's)

Cengage Learning
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Practical Grammar is a three-level British English grammar course for self-study or use in the classroom. The series takes students through key aspects of English grammar from Elementary to Upper Intermediate levels.

• Real language in natural situations: exposes students to grammar at work

• Listening and pronunciation: two audio CDs provide listen and check support and key pronunciation of the grammar items

• Tips: highlight common errors and characteristics of English grammar

• Regular review and progress tests: give students the opportunity to check their learning

Key Features

• Each level has 100 units, divided into models of five units

• Each module examines a particular area of grammar

• Review sections conclude each module and regular tests check students' progress

• Includes sections on punctuation and spelling

• Each level comes with two audio CDs and pincode to access myPG Online

• Available with or without answer key

Audio CDs

• 2 audio CDs for each level

• Provides listen and check support and key pronunciation of grammar items in the book

MyPG Online

• Extensive additional online practice

• For self-study or for student - teacher interaction - teachers can set work and view results

• Includes grammar activities for all units of the book with grammar notes to support study

• Review units include reading, listening, pronunciation and grammar tests

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Practical Grammar is a three-level British English grammar course for self-study or use in the classroom. The series takes students through key aspects of English grammar from Elementary to Upper Intermediate levels.

• Real language in natural situations: exposes students to grammar at work

• Listening and pronunciation: two audio CDs provide listen and check support and key pronunciation of the grammar items

• Tips: highlight common errors and characteristics of English grammar

• Regular review and progress tests: give students the opportunity to check their learning

Key Features

• Each level has 100 units, divided into models of five units

• Each module examines a particular area of grammar

• Review sections conclude each module and regular tests check students' progress

• Includes sections on punctuation and spelling

• Each level comes with two audio CDs and pincode to access myPG Online

• Available with or without answer key

Audio CDs

• 2 audio CDs for each level

• Provides listen and check support and key pronunciation of grammar items in the book

MyPG Online

• Extensive additional online practice

• For self-study or for student - teacher interaction - teachers can set work and view results

• Includes grammar activities for all units of the book with grammar notes to support study

• Review units include reading, listening, pronunciation and grammar tests

Practical Grammar is a three-level British English grammar course for self-study or use in the classroom. The series takes students through key aspects of English grammar from Elementary to Upper Intermediate levels.

• Real language in natural situations: exposes students to grammar at work

• Listening and pronunciation: two audio CDs provide listen and check support and key pronunciation of the grammar items

• Tips: highlight common errors and characteristics of English grammar

• Regular review and progress tests: give students the opportunity to check their learning

Key Features

• Each level has 100 units, divided into models of five units

• Each module examines a particular area of grammar

• Review sections conclude each module and regular tests check students' progress

• Includes sections on punctuation and spelling

• Each level comes with two audio CDs and pincode to access myPG Online

• Available with or without answer key

Audio CDs

• 2 audio CDs for each level

• Provides listen and check support and key pronunciation of grammar items in the book

MyPG Online

• Extensive additional online practice

• For self-study or for student - teacher interaction - teachers can set work and view results

• Includes grammar activities for all units of the book with grammar notes to support study

• Review units include reading, listening, pronunciation and grammar tests

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