English Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises Without answers


English Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises Without answers

Cambridge University Press
Оціни книгу:

This book contains 200 varied exercises to provide students with extra practice of the grammar they have studied in English Grammar in Use Third Edition. The ideal companion to English Grammar in Use, this book includes 200 additional exercises for extra practice of all the grammar covered in the main book. These supplementary exercises, without answers, are ideal for class use.

Оціни книгу:

This book contains 200 varied exercises to provide students with extra practice of the grammar they have studied in English Grammar in Use Third Edition. The ideal companion to English Grammar in Use, this book includes 200 additional exercises for extra practice of all the grammar covered in the main book. These supplementary exercises, without answers, are ideal for class use.

This book contains 200 varied exercises to provide students with extra practice of the grammar they have studied in English Grammar in Use Third Edition. The ideal companion to English Grammar in Use, this book includes 200 additional exercises for extra practice of all the grammar covered in the main book. These supplementary exercises, without answers, are ideal for class use.

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