English in Mind Levels 1A and 1B Combo Teacher's Resource Book


English in Mind Levels 1A and 1B Combo Teacher's Resource Book

Cambridge University Press
Оціни книгу:

This second edition updates a course which has proven to be a perfect fit for classes the world over. The Teacher's Resource Book contains the content for Combos 1A and 1B in one volume. All unit numbers and page references correspond to the Combos. It contains extra photocopiable grammar and communication activities and full pages of teaching tips and ideas specially written by methodology expert, Mario Rinvolucri. A Combo Testmaker Audio CD/CD-ROM which allows teachers to create and edit their own tests is also available separately, as is Classware for the full edition which integrates the Student's Book, class audio and video.

Оціни книгу:

This second edition updates a course which has proven to be a perfect fit for classes the world over. The Teacher's Resource Book contains the content for Combos 1A and 1B in one volume. All unit numbers and page references correspond to the Combos. It contains extra photocopiable grammar and communication activities and full pages of teaching tips and ideas specially written by methodology expert, Mario Rinvolucri. A Combo Testmaker Audio CD/CD-ROM which allows teachers to create and edit their own tests is also available separately, as is Classware for the full edition which integrates the Student's Book, class audio and video.

This second edition updates a course which has proven to be a perfect fit for classes the world over. The Teacher's Resource Book contains the content for Combos 1A and 1B in one volume. All unit numbers and page references correspond to the Combos. It contains extra photocopiable grammar and communication activities and full pages of teaching tips and ideas specially written by methodology expert, Mario Rinvolucri. A Combo Testmaker Audio CD/CD-ROM which allows teachers to create and edit their own tests is also available separately, as is Classware for the full edition which integrates the Student's Book, class audio and video.

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