FCE Use of English 1 Teacher's Book Revised


FCE Use of English 1 Teacher's Book Revised

Express Publishing
Оціни книгу:

A Teacher's Book accompanies the Student's Book. This contains the answers to the exercises in the FCE Use of English 1 Student's Book (for intermediate and post-intermediate students, but it's also useful for more advanced students for revision and consolidation) and presents useful grammar tips as well as three tests in two separate versions.

Оціни книгу:

A Teacher's Book accompanies the Student's Book. This contains the answers to the exercises in the FCE Use of English 1 Student's Book (for intermediate and post-intermediate students, but it's also useful for more advanced students for revision and consolidation) and presents useful grammar tips as well as three tests in two separate versions.

A Teacher's Book accompanies the Student's Book. This contains the answers to the exercises in the FCE Use of English 1 Student's Book (for intermediate and post-intermediate students, but it's also useful for more advanced students for revision and consolidation) and presents useful grammar tips as well as three tests in two separate versions.

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