FCE Use of English: Teacher's Book Level 2


FCE Use of English: Teacher's Book Level 2

Express Publishing
Оціни книгу:

"FCE: Use of English 2" is intended for students preparing for the Cambridge ESOL FCE/Michigan, ECCE examinations as well as other examinations at the same level of difficulty. The Teacher's Book for the Student's Book contains the answers overprinted on the relevant pages of the Student's Book as well as optional tests.

Оціни книгу:

"FCE: Use of English 2" is intended for students preparing for the Cambridge ESOL FCE/Michigan, ECCE examinations as well as other examinations at the same level of difficulty. The Teacher's Book for the Student's Book contains the answers overprinted on the relevant pages of the Student's Book as well as optional tests.

"FCE: Use of English 2" is intended for students preparing for the Cambridge ESOL FCE/Michigan, ECCE examinations as well as other examinations at the same level of difficulty. The Teacher's Book for the Student's Book contains the answers overprinted on the relevant pages of the Student's Book as well as optional tests.

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