How to Draw Funny: Give Your Doodles A Comic Twist


How to Draw Funny: Give Your Doodles A Comic Twist

Оціни книгу:

Friendly instructions show how to draw comics and find your inner funny. With this draw-right-in-it book, use the training wheels inside to illustrate sound effects, create action and energy, accentuate and exaggerate the ridiculous — basically, how to get the laughs. The book comes with a mechanical pencil, a white eraser, three dual-tipped markers in various tones of gray and black, and easy-to-trace templates of essential comic shapes like speech bubbles, bursts, bonks, and bings — all essential tools for drawing funny.

Comes With: 3 bi-point markers, mechanical pencil, eraser

• Create wonderful things

• Be good

• Have fun

Оціни книгу:

Friendly instructions show how to draw comics and find your inner funny. With this draw-right-in-it book, use the training wheels inside to illustrate sound effects, create action and energy, accentuate and exaggerate the ridiculous — basically, how to get the laughs. The book comes with a mechanical pencil, a white eraser, three dual-tipped markers in various tones of gray and black, and easy-to-trace templates of essential comic shapes like speech bubbles, bursts, bonks, and bings — all essential tools for drawing funny.

Comes With: 3 bi-point markers, mechanical pencil, eraser

• Create wonderful things

• Be good

• Have fun

Friendly instructions show how to draw comics and find your inner funny. With this draw-right-in-it book, use the training wheels inside to illustrate sound effects, create action and energy, accentuate and exaggerate the ridiculous — basically, how to get the laughs. The book comes with a mechanical pencil, a white eraser, three dual-tipped markers in various tones of gray and black, and easy-to-trace templates of essential comic shapes like speech bubbles, bursts, bonks, and bings — all essential tools for drawing funny.

Comes With: 3 bi-point markers, mechanical pencil, eraser

• Create wonderful things

• Be good

• Have fun

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