Inside Out Upper Intermediate Workbook


Inside Out Upper Intermediate Workbook

Оціни книгу:

A classroom-tested English course designed to develop real life communicative skills and powers of self-expression. Inside Out provides a thoroughly enjoyable and lively course for adults and young adults built around structured work on grammar and lexis, planned speaking tasks and engaging writing and listening texts. The main grammar and language functions presented clearly and practised through anecdote activities and personalisation.

Level: Upper Intermediate.

Оціни книгу:

A classroom-tested English course designed to develop real life communicative skills and powers of self-expression. Inside Out provides a thoroughly enjoyable and lively course for adults and young adults built around structured work on grammar and lexis, planned speaking tasks and engaging writing and listening texts. The main grammar and language functions presented clearly and practised through anecdote activities and personalisation.

Level: Upper Intermediate.

A classroom-tested English course designed to develop real life communicative skills and powers of self-expression. Inside Out provides a thoroughly enjoyable and lively course for adults and young adults built around structured work on grammar and lexis, planned speaking tasks and engaging writing and listening texts. The main grammar and language functions presented clearly and practised through anecdote activities and personalisation.

Level: Upper Intermediate.

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