Interchange 4th ed 1 Video Resource Book


Interchange 4th ed 1 Video Resource Book

Cambridge University Press
Оціни книгу:

Interchange Video Resource Book, Level 1 contains photocopiable student worksheets and step-by-step teaching notes detailing how to use the worksheets and exploit the video in class. Transcripts of the video and answer keys are also included.

Оціни книгу:

Interchange Video Resource Book, Level 1 contains photocopiable student worksheets and step-by-step teaching notes detailing how to use the worksheets and exploit the video in class. Transcripts of the video and answer keys are also included.

Interchange Video Resource Book, Level 1 contains photocopiable student worksheets and step-by-step teaching notes detailing how to use the worksheets and exploit the video in class. Transcripts of the video and answer keys are also included.

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