Market Leader New Edition! Elementary Coursebook with Multi-ROM and Audio CD


Market Leader New Edition! Elementary Coursebook with Multi-ROM and Audio CD

Longman (Pearson Education)
Оціни книгу:

Market Leader is the major business English course for tomorrow's business leaders. Incorporating material from the Financial Times, it bring business right into the classroom.

All the Course Books have self-study CD-ROMS which include video material and interactive case studies.

Оціни книгу:

Market Leader is the major business English course for tomorrow's business leaders. Incorporating material from the Financial Times, it bring business right into the classroom.

All the Course Books have self-study CD-ROMS which include video material and interactive case studies.

Market Leader is the major business English course for tomorrow's business leaders. Incorporating material from the Financial Times, it bring business right into the classroom.

All the Course Books have self-study CD-ROMS which include video material and interactive case studies.

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