New English File Advanced. Student's Book


New English File Advanced. Student's Book

Oxford University Press
Оціни книгу:

Four-skills English course with fun lessons, digital resources, and strong online support - loved by students and teachers at all levels.

A book of 7 units where each main lesson is 4 pages long. Each lesson opens with a quotation from a famous person - the quotes range from flippant to philosophical, witty, or thought-provoking - which provide talking points for the start of the lesson. The Colloquial English video lessons use interviews with real people, rather than scripted dialogue, to expose students to authentic everyday language.

Оціни книгу:

Four-skills English course with fun lessons, digital resources, and strong online support - loved by students and teachers at all levels.

A book of 7 units where each main lesson is 4 pages long. Each lesson opens with a quotation from a famous person - the quotes range from flippant to philosophical, witty, or thought-provoking - which provide talking points for the start of the lesson. The Colloquial English video lessons use interviews with real people, rather than scripted dialogue, to expose students to authentic everyday language.

Four-skills English course with fun lessons, digital resources, and strong online support - loved by students and teachers at all levels.

A book of 7 units where each main lesson is 4 pages long. Each lesson opens with a quotation from a famous person - the quotes range from flippant to philosophical, witty, or thought-provoking - which provide talking points for the start of the lesson. The Colloquial English video lessons use interviews with real people, rather than scripted dialogue, to expose students to authentic everyday language.

Користувачі що мають дану книгу 1
Iryna Kozaruk
Iryna Kozaruk
Онлайн 2 місяці тому
26 пропущених запитів
New English file Advance student book + Workbook
110,00 UAH
Онлайн 2 місяці тому
26 пропущених запитів
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