New Headway Elementary. Teacher's Book


New Headway Elementary. Teacher's Book

Oxford University Press
Оціни книгу:

The book gives you full notes for teaching the material effectively, plus lesson hints and suggestions. There are 'possible problems' boxes too, which draw your attention to the mistakes students might make.

Stop and Check sections and Progress Tests help you assess students' progress throughout the course, and the photocopiable pages give you extra activities and ideas for every unit.

Notes with hints, suggestions, and 'possible problems' feature

Photocopiable activities for every unit

Stop and Check sections

Progress Tests

Оціни книгу:

The book gives you full notes for teaching the material effectively, plus lesson hints and suggestions. There are 'possible problems' boxes too, which draw your attention to the mistakes students might make.

Stop and Check sections and Progress Tests help you assess students' progress throughout the course, and the photocopiable pages give you extra activities and ideas for every unit.

Notes with hints, suggestions, and 'possible problems' feature

Photocopiable activities for every unit

Stop and Check sections

Progress Tests

The book gives you full notes for teaching the material effectively, plus lesson hints and suggestions. There are 'possible problems' boxes too, which draw your attention to the mistakes students might make.

Stop and Check sections and Progress Tests help you assess students' progress throughout the course, and the photocopiable pages give you extra activities and ideas for every unit.

Notes with hints, suggestions, and 'possible problems' feature

Photocopiable activities for every unit

Stop and Check sections

Progress Tests

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