New Headway. Intermediate. Student's Book


New Headway. Intermediate. Student's Book

Oxford University Press
Оціни книгу:

Each level consists of six self-contained comedy stories looking at the lives and misadventures of four people in their twenties who share a house.

The syllabus is closely linked to the New Headway. Each episode provides a natural context to consolidate the grammatical, functional and lexical areas covered by the course, and to develop listening skills.

Key language is controlled and contextualized throughout.

Each episode provides clear grammar and functional language, with an emphasis on developing communicative skills.

The video is supported by an Activity Book for students and a Video Guide for teachers.

Оціни книгу:

Each level consists of six self-contained comedy stories looking at the lives and misadventures of four people in their twenties who share a house.

The syllabus is closely linked to the New Headway. Each episode provides a natural context to consolidate the grammatical, functional and lexical areas covered by the course, and to develop listening skills.

Key language is controlled and contextualized throughout.

Each episode provides clear grammar and functional language, with an emphasis on developing communicative skills.

The video is supported by an Activity Book for students and a Video Guide for teachers.

Each level consists of six self-contained comedy stories looking at the lives and misadventures of four people in their twenties who share a house.

The syllabus is closely linked to the New Headway. Each episode provides a natural context to consolidate the grammatical, functional and lexical areas covered by the course, and to develop listening skills.

Key language is controlled and contextualized throughout.

Each episode provides clear grammar and functional language, with an emphasis on developing communicative skills.

The video is supported by an Activity Book for students and a Video Guide for teachers.

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