New Headway. Intermediate. Teacher's Book (including Tests)


New Headway. Intermediate. Teacher's Book (including Tests)

Oxford University Press
Оціни книгу:

Fascinating, authentic material that will capture students' imaginations.

The 'Test your grammar' section at the beginning of every unit challenges students' knowledge of the language.

Grammar questions involve students in language analysis, which is practised through a wide range of exercises.

The 'Grammar Reference' at the back of the Student's Book gives clear, detailed rules of form and use.

All four skills are developed systematically and integrated through related tasks.

There are a wide range of manageable listening exercises.

A well-defined vocabulary syllabus covers systems as well as lexical sets.

Pronunciation practice is integrated at appropriate points throughout the units.

The 'Postcript' section looks at everyday idiomatic English and the grammar of spoken English.

Оціни книгу:

Fascinating, authentic material that will capture students' imaginations.

The 'Test your grammar' section at the beginning of every unit challenges students' knowledge of the language.

Grammar questions involve students in language analysis, which is practised through a wide range of exercises.

The 'Grammar Reference' at the back of the Student's Book gives clear, detailed rules of form and use.

All four skills are developed systematically and integrated through related tasks.

There are a wide range of manageable listening exercises.

A well-defined vocabulary syllabus covers systems as well as lexical sets.

Pronunciation practice is integrated at appropriate points throughout the units.

The 'Postcript' section looks at everyday idiomatic English and the grammar of spoken English.

Fascinating, authentic material that will capture students' imaginations.

The 'Test your grammar' section at the beginning of every unit challenges students' knowledge of the language.

Grammar questions involve students in language analysis, which is practised through a wide range of exercises.

The 'Grammar Reference' at the back of the Student's Book gives clear, detailed rules of form and use.

All four skills are developed systematically and integrated through related tasks.

There are a wide range of manageable listening exercises.

A well-defined vocabulary syllabus covers systems as well as lexical sets.

Pronunciation practice is integrated at appropriate points throughout the units.

The 'Postcript' section looks at everyday idiomatic English and the grammar of spoken English.

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