Nothing Lasts Forever


Nothing Lasts Forever

HarperCollins Publishers/HarperCollins Children's Books/Harper Design/Harper Business
Оціни книгу:

Three women doctors begin five years training at Embarcadero County Hospital, San Francisco. The story, set against hospital and courtroom, chronicles their lives together and their struggle to outwit those determined that they don't succeed.

Оціни книгу:

Three women doctors begin five years training at Embarcadero County Hospital, San Francisco. The story, set against hospital and courtroom, chronicles their lives together and their struggle to outwit those determined that they don't succeed.

Three women doctors begin five years training at Embarcadero County Hospital, San Francisco. The story, set against hospital and courtroom, chronicles their lives together and their struggle to outwit those determined that they don't succeed.

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