Pop up Now 2. Student's Book


Pop up Now 2. Student's Book

MM Publications
Оціни книгу:

Pop up now 2 - is an innovative six-level primary course in American English. It takes students from Beginner to Pre-intermediate level, while carefully considering students’ particular needs and interests at each stage. It is based on the modular approach which enables students to deal with topics in depth. In addition, its multi-dimensional syllabus helps learners to acquire English through an integrated development of the four skills, reading, listening, speaking and writing

Оціни книгу:

Pop up now 2 - is an innovative six-level primary course in American English. It takes students from Beginner to Pre-intermediate level, while carefully considering students’ particular needs and interests at each stage. It is based on the modular approach which enables students to deal with topics in depth. In addition, its multi-dimensional syllabus helps learners to acquire English through an integrated development of the four skills, reading, listening, speaking and writing

Pop up now 2 - is an innovative six-level primary course in American English. It takes students from Beginner to Pre-intermediate level, while carefully considering students’ particular needs and interests at each stage. It is based on the modular approach which enables students to deal with topics in depth. In addition, its multi-dimensional syllabus helps learners to acquire English through an integrated development of the four skills, reading, listening, speaking and writing

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