Powerbase Pre-Intermediate Level Coursebook & Audio CD Pack


Powerbase Pre-Intermediate Level Coursebook & Audio CD Pack

Longman (Pearson Education)
Оціни книгу:

Powerbase is a 3-level course which focuses on the everyday key vocabulary and phrases needed for work, travel and social situations.

This highly-communicative course for low-level adult students delivers practical English for immediate use in the working world.

Оціни книгу:

Powerbase is a 3-level course which focuses on the everyday key vocabulary and phrases needed for work, travel and social situations.

This highly-communicative course for low-level adult students delivers practical English for immediate use in the working world.

Powerbase is a 3-level course which focuses on the everyday key vocabulary and phrases needed for work, travel and social situations.

This highly-communicative course for low-level adult students delivers practical English for immediate use in the working world.

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