Practice Tests: Plus 2 CAE With Key


Practice Tests: Plus 2 CAE With Key

Longman (Pearson Education)
Оціни книгу:

This title provides essential practice in all five papers of the CAE examination.

It includes:

five complete Practice Tests incorporating the 1999 changes to the CAE exam,

a variety of stimulating, authentic texts,

lively visual material for Paper 5 in full colour,

a full description of the exam and marking procedures,

task-specific guidance and tips on how to get the right answer,

sample OMR answer sheets,

annotated answer key, analysing correct and incorrect answers,


Оціни книгу:

This title provides essential practice in all five papers of the CAE examination.

It includes:

five complete Practice Tests incorporating the 1999 changes to the CAE exam,

a variety of stimulating, authentic texts,

lively visual material for Paper 5 in full colour,

a full description of the exam and marking procedures,

task-specific guidance and tips on how to get the right answer,

sample OMR answer sheets,

annotated answer key, analysing correct and incorrect answers,


This title provides essential practice in all five papers of the CAE examination.

It includes:

five complete Practice Tests incorporating the 1999 changes to the CAE exam,

a variety of stimulating, authentic texts,

lively visual material for Paper 5 in full colour,

a full description of the exam and marking procedures,

task-specific guidance and tips on how to get the right answer,

sample OMR answer sheets,

annotated answer key, analysing correct and incorrect answers,


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