ProFile 1 Pre-Intermediate. Workbook


ProFile 1 Pre-Intermediate. Workbook

Oxford University Press
Оціни книгу:

The course that helps students to communicate with people across departments and across industry sectors.

Key Features:

Clear introduction to business for teachers and students.

Global content and authentic sources.

Integrated video CD-ROM with Student's Book.

Progressive language syllabus.

Fluency-driven case-studies (levels 2 and 3).

Complete commercial writing syllabus.

Video/DVD available for each level.

Оціни книгу:

The course that helps students to communicate with people across departments and across industry sectors.

Key Features:

Clear introduction to business for teachers and students.

Global content and authentic sources.

Integrated video CD-ROM with Student's Book.

Progressive language syllabus.

Fluency-driven case-studies (levels 2 and 3).

Complete commercial writing syllabus.

Video/DVD available for each level.

The course that helps students to communicate with people across departments and across industry sectors.

Key Features:

Clear introduction to business for teachers and students.

Global content and authentic sources.

Integrated video CD-ROM with Student's Book.

Progressive language syllabus.

Fluency-driven case-studies (levels 2 and 3).

Complete commercial writing syllabus.

Video/DVD available for each level.

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