The Complete Polysyllabic Spree


The Complete Polysyllabic Spree

Penguin Putnam Inc
Оціни книгу:

This is not a book of reviews. This is not a book that sneers at other books. This is a book about reading - about enjoying books wherever and however you find them. Nick Hornby is first and foremost a reader and he approaches books like the rest of us: hoping to pick up one he can't put down. "The Complete Polysyllabic Spree" is a diary of sorts, charting his reading life over two years. It is a celebration of why we read - its pleasures, its disappointments and its surprises. And above all, it is for you - the ever hopeful reader.

Оціни книгу:

This is not a book of reviews. This is not a book that sneers at other books. This is a book about reading - about enjoying books wherever and however you find them. Nick Hornby is first and foremost a reader and he approaches books like the rest of us: hoping to pick up one he can't put down. "The Complete Polysyllabic Spree" is a diary of sorts, charting his reading life over two years. It is a celebration of why we read - its pleasures, its disappointments and its surprises. And above all, it is for you - the ever hopeful reader.

This is not a book of reviews. This is not a book that sneers at other books. This is a book about reading - about enjoying books wherever and however you find them. Nick Hornby is first and foremost a reader and he approaches books like the rest of us: hoping to pick up one he can't put down. "The Complete Polysyllabic Spree" is a diary of sorts, charting his reading life over two years. It is a celebration of why we read - its pleasures, its disappointments and its surprises. And above all, it is for you - the ever hopeful reader.

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