The Future: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know


The Future: 50 Ideas You Really Need to Know

Quercus Publishing Plc
Оціни книгу:

What will the world look like in 2020, 2030 or even 2100? How will progress in scientific research affect human life in the areas of health and lifestyle, energy and the environment, politics and conflict, space exploration and even the ultimate questions of existence? This book offers an electrifying trip through the wonders - and terrors - awaiting us over the next hundred years. The ideas explored include: Therapeutic cloning; Regenerative medicine; Nanotechnology; Quantum computers; Cyberwarfare; Space colonies; The nature of consciousness; Digital democracy.

Оціни книгу:

What will the world look like in 2020, 2030 or even 2100? How will progress in scientific research affect human life in the areas of health and lifestyle, energy and the environment, politics and conflict, space exploration and even the ultimate questions of existence? This book offers an electrifying trip through the wonders - and terrors - awaiting us over the next hundred years. The ideas explored include: Therapeutic cloning; Regenerative medicine; Nanotechnology; Quantum computers; Cyberwarfare; Space colonies; The nature of consciousness; Digital democracy.

What will the world look like in 2020, 2030 or even 2100? How will progress in scientific research affect human life in the areas of health and lifestyle, energy and the environment, politics and conflict, space exploration and even the ultimate questions of existence? This book offers an electrifying trip through the wonders - and terrors - awaiting us over the next hundred years. The ideas explored include: Therapeutic cloning; Regenerative medicine; Nanotechnology; Quantum computers; Cyberwarfare; Space colonies; The nature of consciousness; Digital democracy.

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