"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" is a Tolstoyan re-invention of the "closed room" murder mystery, Agatha Christie for adults... It's also a profound investigation into tribal violence in the world of high finance, and a revelation of the dark side of a country normally seen as the very height of propriety... Don't even think about putting it down." John Burdett
"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" is a Tolstoyan re-invention of the "closed room" murder mystery, Agatha Christie for adults... It's also a profound investigation into tribal violence in the world of high finance, and a revelation of the dark side of a country normally seen as the very height of propriety... Don't even think about putting it down." John Burdett
"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" is a Tolstoyan re-invention of the "closed room" murder mystery, Agatha Christie for adults... It's also a profound investigation into tribal violence in the world of high finance, and a revelation of the dark side of a country normally seen as the very height of propriety... Don't even think about putting it down." John Burdett