The Light Fantastic


The Light Fantastic

Corgi Books
Оціни книгу:

In this episode, the Discword is moving inexorably towards a collision with a malevolent redstar. There is only one man who can save the planet, the strange and hapless wizard Rincewind, last seen falling off the edge of the world.

Оціни книгу:

In this episode, the Discword is moving inexorably towards a collision with a malevolent redstar. There is only one man who can save the planet, the strange and hapless wizard Rincewind, last seen falling off the edge of the world.

In this episode, the Discword is moving inexorably towards a collision with a malevolent redstar. There is only one man who can save the planet, the strange and hapless wizard Rincewind, last seen falling off the edge of the world.

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