The One Plus One


The One Plus One

Penguin Putnam Inc
Оціни книгу:

One eternal optimist . . . Jess Thomas, with two jobs and two kids and never enough money, wears flip-flops in the hope of spring. And when life knocks her down she does her best to bounce right back. But there are some challenges even she can't meet on her own.

Plus one lost stranger . . . Ed Nichols is the good guy gone bad. He had it all, then one stupid mistake cost him everything. Now he'll do anything to make it right.

Equals a chance encounter . . . Ed doesn't want to save anyone and Jess doesn't want saving, but could Jess and Ed add up to something better together?

Оціни книгу:

One eternal optimist . . . Jess Thomas, with two jobs and two kids and never enough money, wears flip-flops in the hope of spring. And when life knocks her down she does her best to bounce right back. But there are some challenges even she can't meet on her own.

Plus one lost stranger . . . Ed Nichols is the good guy gone bad. He had it all, then one stupid mistake cost him everything. Now he'll do anything to make it right.

Equals a chance encounter . . . Ed doesn't want to save anyone and Jess doesn't want saving, but could Jess and Ed add up to something better together?

One eternal optimist . . . Jess Thomas, with two jobs and two kids and never enough money, wears flip-flops in the hope of spring. And when life knocks her down she does her best to bounce right back. But there are some challenges even she can't meet on her own.

Plus one lost stranger . . . Ed Nichols is the good guy gone bad. He had it all, then one stupid mistake cost him everything. Now he'll do anything to make it right.

Equals a chance encounter . . . Ed doesn't want to save anyone and Jess doesn't want saving, but could Jess and Ed add up to something better together?

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Miss Squirrel
Miss Squirrel
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