The World's Best Karlson


The World's Best Karlson

Oxford University Press
Оціни книгу:

On the ordinary roof of an ordinary house lives an extraordinary man: Karlson! He's the wolrd's greatest at EVERYTHING (he says). Best of all, he has a propeller on his back and can fly! Soon Karlson and Smidge (who lives inside the house) are firm friends.

Оціни книгу:

On the ordinary roof of an ordinary house lives an extraordinary man: Karlson! He's the wolrd's greatest at EVERYTHING (he says). Best of all, he has a propeller on his back and can fly! Soon Karlson and Smidge (who lives inside the house) are firm friends.

On the ordinary roof of an ordinary house lives an extraordinary man: Karlson! He's the wolrd's greatest at EVERYTHING (he says). Best of all, he has a propeller on his back and can fly! Soon Karlson and Smidge (who lives inside the house) are firm friends.

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