Total English Starter Workbook with Key (+ CD)


Total English Starter Workbook with Key (+ CD)

Longman (Pearson Education)
Оціни книгу:

Total English provides new solutions for your English classroom offering unbeatable choice and flexibility, a complete range of dynamic resources and engaging material.

The Workbooks are a perfect self-study tool, with a built-in vocabulary builder section and a free CDROM with further exercises and pronunciation work.

Оціни книгу:

Total English provides new solutions for your English classroom offering unbeatable choice and flexibility, a complete range of dynamic resources and engaging material.

The Workbooks are a perfect self-study tool, with a built-in vocabulary builder section and a free CDROM with further exercises and pronunciation work.

Total English provides new solutions for your English classroom offering unbeatable choice and flexibility, a complete range of dynamic resources and engaging material.

The Workbooks are a perfect self-study tool, with a built-in vocabulary builder section and a free CDROM with further exercises and pronunciation work.

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