Way Ahead Reader 2 C. Hello, Mr Snowman!


Way Ahead Reader 2 C. Hello, Mr Snowman!

Оціни книгу:

This text is part of the "Way Ahead Readers" series. There are two/three readers at each level, and all are graded so as to ensure that children not only practise reading at an appropriate level of difficulty, but also gain confidence in approaching new texts. Linguistic structures have been tightly controlled to match the language in the course and, at the same time, known vocabulary is both reinforced and extended. All the books contain additional activities for class or individual use. The series is aimed at the Middle East market.

Оціни книгу:

This text is part of the "Way Ahead Readers" series. There are two/three readers at each level, and all are graded so as to ensure that children not only practise reading at an appropriate level of difficulty, but also gain confidence in approaching new texts. Linguistic structures have been tightly controlled to match the language in the course and, at the same time, known vocabulary is both reinforced and extended. All the books contain additional activities for class or individual use. The series is aimed at the Middle East market.

This text is part of the "Way Ahead Readers" series. There are two/three readers at each level, and all are graded so as to ensure that children not only practise reading at an appropriate level of difficulty, but also gain confidence in approaching new texts. Linguistic structures have been tightly controlled to match the language in the course and, at the same time, known vocabulary is both reinforced and extended. All the books contain additional activities for class or individual use. The series is aimed at the Middle East market.

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