Witch Week


Witch Week

HarperCollins Publishers/HarperCollins Children's Books/Harper Design/Harper Business
Оціни книгу:

When the note, written in ordinary ballpoint, turns up in the homework books Mr Crossley is marking, he is very upset. For this is Larwood House, a school for witch orphans, where witchcraft is utterly forbidden. And yet magic keeps breaking out all over the place - like measles!

The last thing they need is a visit from the Divisional Inquisitor. If only Chrestomanci could come and sort out all the trouble.

Оціни книгу:

When the note, written in ordinary ballpoint, turns up in the homework books Mr Crossley is marking, he is very upset. For this is Larwood House, a school for witch orphans, where witchcraft is utterly forbidden. And yet magic keeps breaking out all over the place - like measles!

The last thing they need is a visit from the Divisional Inquisitor. If only Chrestomanci could come and sort out all the trouble.

When the note, written in ordinary ballpoint, turns up in the homework books Mr Crossley is marking, he is very upset. For this is Larwood House, a school for witch orphans, where witchcraft is utterly forbidden. And yet magic keeps breaking out all over the place - like measles!

The last thing they need is a visit from the Divisional Inquisitor. If only Chrestomanci could come and sort out all the trouble.

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