World Class 2. Activity Book


World Class 2. Activity Book

Longman (Pearson Education)
Оціни книгу:

World Class is a fast-paced course that builds on students' natural curiosity and combines fun and fantasy with amazing facts about the world.

- Revises and recycles vocabulary and structures

- Encourages learner independence with study tips and regular self-assessment checks

- Active language sections help students work out grammar rule

Оціни книгу:

World Class is a fast-paced course that builds on students' natural curiosity and combines fun and fantasy with amazing facts about the world.

- Revises and recycles vocabulary and structures

- Encourages learner independence with study tips and regular self-assessment checks

- Active language sections help students work out grammar rule

World Class is a fast-paced course that builds on students' natural curiosity and combines fun and fantasy with amazing facts about the world.

- Revises and recycles vocabulary and structures

- Encourages learner independence with study tips and regular self-assessment checks

- Active language sections help students work out grammar rule

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